Astroid V3
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Practice Tests - GBC
[Bios] Challenger Gb (Usa) (Unl)
007 - The World Is Not Enough (Usa Europe)
10-Pin Bowling (Usa) (Rumble Version)
102 Dalmatians - Puppies To The Rescue (Usa Europe)
1942 (Usa Europe)
3-D Ultra Pinball - Thrillride (Usa) (Rumble Version)
720 Degrees (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Action Man - Search For Base X (Usa Europe)
Airforce Delta (Usa)
Aladdin (Usa)
Alice In Wonderland (Usa Australia)
Aliens - Thanatos Encounter (Usa Europe)
All-Star Baseball 2000 (Usa Europe)
All-Star Baseball 2001 (Usa)
Alone In The Dark - The New Nightmare (Usa) (Enfres)
Animorphs (Usa)
Antz (Usa) (Enfres) (Gb Compatible)
Antz Racing (Usa) (Enfrdeesitnl)
Armada - Fx Racers (Usa)
Armorines - Project S.W.A.R.M. (Usa Europe) (Ende)
Army Men - Air Combat (Usa Europe) (Enfrde)
Army Men - Sarges Heroes 2 (Usa Europe) (Enfrde)
Army Men (Usa Europe) (Enfrde)
Army Men 2 (Usa Europe) (Enfrde)
Arthurs Absolutely Fun Day! (Usa)
Asteroids (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Atlantis - The Lost Empire (Usa Europe)
Austin Powers - Oh Behave! (Usa)
Austin Powers - Welcome To My Underground Lair! (Usa)
Azure Dreams (Usa) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Babe And Friends (Usa) (Gb Compatible)
Ballistic (Usa) (Gb Compatible)
Barbie - Fashion Pack Games (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Barbie - Magic Genie Adventure (Usa)
Barbie - Ocean Discovery (Usa) (Gb Compatible)
Barbie - Pet Rescue (Usa)
Bass Masters Classic (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Batman - Chaos In Gotham (Usa)
Batman Beyond - Return Of The Joker (Usa)
Battleship (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Battletanx (Usa)
Beauty And The Beast - A Board Game Adventure (Usa Australia) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Billy Bobs Huntin N Fishin (Usa Europe)
Bionic Commando - Elite Forces (Usa Australia)
Black Bass - Lure Fishing (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Blade (Usa Europe)
Blaster Master - Enemy Below (Usa Europe) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Blues Clues - Blues Alphabet Book (Usa)
Boarder Zone (Usa)
Bob The Builder - Fix It Fun! (Usa)
Bomberman Max - Blue Champion (Usa)
Bomberman Max - Red Challenger (Usa)
Bomberman Quest (Usa) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (Usa Europe)
Bugs Bunny - Crazy Castle 3 (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Bugs Bunny In - Crazy Castle 4 (Usa)
Bugs Life A (Usa) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Bust-A-Move 4 (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Bust-A-Move Millennium (Usa Europe)
Buzz Lightyear Of Star Command (Usa Europe)
Caesars Palace Ii (Usa Europe)
Cannon Fodder (Usa) (Enfrdeesit)
Carmageddon - Carpocalypse Now (Usa Europe) (Enfresit)
Casper (Usa)
Caterpillar Construction Zone (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Catwoman (Usa)
Catz (Usa)
Centipede (Usa) (Gb Compatible)
Championship Motocross 2001 Featuring Ricky Carmichael (Usa Europe)
Chase H.Q. - Secret Police (Usa) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Chessmaster (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Chicken Run (Usa Europe) (Enfrdeesit)
Classic Bubble Bobble (Usa) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Commander Keen (Usa Europe)
Conkers Pocket Tales (Usa Europe) (Enfrde) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Crash Ii Advance 2003 (Usa) (Unl)
Croc (Usa Europe)
Croc 2 (Usa Europe)
Cruisn Exotica (Usa)
Crystalis (Usa)
Cubix - Robots For Everyone - Race N Robots (Usa) (Enfrdeesit)
Cybertiger (Usa Europe)
Daffy Duck - Fowl Play (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Dave Mirra Freestyle Bmx (Usa Europe)
Deer Hunter (Usa)
Deja Vu I & Ii - The Casebooks Of Ace Harding (Usa)
Dexters Laboratory - Robot Rampage (Usa Europe)
Digimon - Yellow Jade (Usa) (Unl)
Digimon Adventure 2001 (Usa) (Unl)
Digimon Crystal Ii (Usa) (Unl)
Digimon Saphire (Usa) (Unl)
Dinosaur (Usa)
Diva Starz - Mall Mania (Usa)
Dogz (Usa)
Donald Duck - Goin Quackers (Usa) (Enfrdeesit)
Donkey Kong Country (Usa Europe) (Enfrdeesit)
Dougs Big Game (Usa)
Dracula - Crazy Vampire (Usa)
Dragon Ball Z - Legendary Super Warriors (Usa)
Dragon Dance (Usa) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Dragon Tales - Dragon Adventures (Usa)
Dragon Tales - Dragon Wings (Usa)
Dragon Warrior I & Ii (Usa) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Dragon Warrior Iii (Usa)
Dragon Warrior Monsters (Usa Europe) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 - Cobis Journey (Usa) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 - Taras Adventure (Usa) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Dragons Lair (Usa Europe) (Enjafrdeeszh)
Driver - You Are The Wheelman (Usa) (Enfrdeesit)
Drymouth (Usa) (Unl)
Duke Nukem (Usa) (Enfrdeesit)
Dukes Of Hazzard The - Racing For Home (Usa)
E.T. - The Extra-Terrestrial - Digital Companion (Usa)
E.T. - The Extra-Terrestrial - Escape From Planet Earth (Usa)
E.T. - The Extra-Terrestrial And The Cosmic Garden (Usa)
Earthworm Jim - Menace 2 The Galaxy (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Emperors New Groove The (Usa)
Espn International Track & Field (Usa)
Espn National Hockey Night (Usa)
Evel Knievel (Usa) (Gb Compatible)
Extreme Sports With The Berenstain Bears (Usa Europe) (Enfrdeesit)
F-18 Thunder Strike (Usa Europe)
F1 World Grand Prix Ii For Game Boy Color (Usa) (Enfrdees)
Fifa 2000 (Usa Europe) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Flintstones The - Burgertime In Bedrock (Usa)
Force 21 (Usa) (Enfrde)
Formula One 2000 (Usa)
Frogger (Usa) (Gb Compatible)
Frogger 2 (Usa)
Galaga - Destination Earth (Usa)
Game & Watch Gallery 2 (Usa Europe) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Game & Watch Gallery 3 (Usa Europe) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Gameshark Mx (Usa) (V1.02) (Unl)
Gameshark Online (Usa) (Unl)
Gex - Enter The Gecko (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Gex 3 - Deep Pocket Gecko (Usa)
Ghostsn Goblins (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Gobs Of Games (Usa) (Enfrde)
Godzilla - The Series - Monster Wars (Usa) (Enfrde)
Godzilla - The Series (Usa) (Enfrde) (Gb Compatible)
Gold And Glory - The Road To El Dorado (Usa)
Grand Theft Auto (Usa) (Gb Compatible)
Grand Theft Auto 2 (Usa)
Grinch The (Usa)
Hamtaro - Ham-Hams Unite! (Usa)
Hands Of Time (Usa Europe) (Enfrdeesitnl)
Harley-Davidson Motor Cycles - Race Across America (Usa)
Harry Potter 2 - The Black Art Wrestle Edition (Usa) (Unl)
Harry Potter 3 (Usa) (Unl)
Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (Usa Europe) (Enfrdeesitnlptsvda)
Harry Potter Ii (Usa) (Unl)
Harvest Moon 2 Gbc (Usa) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Harvest Moon 3 Gbc (Usa)
Harvest Moon Gbc (Usa) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Hello Kittys Cube Frenzy (Usa) (Gb Compatible)
Heroes Of Might And Magic (Usa) (Enfrde)
Heroes Of Might And Magic Ii (Usa) (Enfrde)
Hexcite - The Shapes Of Victory (Usa Europe) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Hole In One Golf (Usa) (Rumble Version) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Hot Wheels - Stunt Track Driver (Usa Europe) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Hoyle Card Games (Usa)
Hoyle Casino (Usa)
Indiana Jones And The Infernal Machine (Usa Europe) (Enfrde)
Inspector Gadget - Operation Madkactus (Usa)
International Rally (Usa) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
International Superstar Soccer 2000 (Usa)
International Superstar Soccer 99 (Usa) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
International Track & Field (Usa) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Jeff Gordon Xs Racing (Usa) (Gb Compatible)
Jeremy Mcgrath Supercross 2000 (Usa Europe)
Jim Hensons Bear In The Big Blue House (Usa) (Enfrdeesitnl)
Jim Hensons Muppets (Usa)
Jinsei Game - Tomodachi Takusan Tsukurou Yo! (Japan) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Jumpstart Dino Adventure - Field Trip (Usa)
Jungle Book The - Mowglis Wild Adventure (Usa) (Enfrdeesit)
Kelly Club (Usa)
Ken Griffey Jr.S Slugfest (Usa)
King Lion Advance Iii 2003 (Usa) (Unl)
Kirby - Tilt N Tumble (Usa)
Klax (Usa Europe)
Klustar (Usa) (Gb Compatible)
Knockout Kings (Usa Europe)
Land Before Time The (Usa)
Las Vegas Cool Hand (Usa) (Gb Compatible)
Laura (Usa)
Legend Of The River King 2 (Usa) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Legend Of The River King Gbc (Usa) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Legend Of Zelda The - Links Awakening Dx (Usa Europe) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Legend Of Zelda The - Oracle Of Ages (Usa Australia)
Legend Of Zelda The - Oracle Of Seasons (Usa Australia)
Lego Alpha Team (Usa)
Lego Racers (Usa) (Enfres)
Lego Stunt Rally (Usa)
Lemmings & Oh No! More Lemmings (Usa)
Lil Monster (Usa) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Lion King The - Simbas Mighty Adventure (Usa Europe)
Little Mermaid Ii The - Pinball Frenzy (Usa) (Enfrdeesit) (Rumble Version)
Little Nicky (Usa)
Logical (Usa)
Looney Tunes - Carrot Crazy (Usa) (Enfres) (Gb Compatible)
Looney Tunes - Twouble! (Usa) (Enfres) (Gb Compatible)
Looney Tunes (Usa) (Gb Compatible)
Looney Tunes Collector - Alert! (Usa) (Enfres)
Looney Tunes Racing (Usa) (Enfrdeesitnl)
Lucky Luke (Usa) (Enfrdees)
Lufia - The Legend Returns (Usa)
M&Ms Minis Madness (Usa)
M&Ms Minis Madness (Usa) (Sample)
Madden Nfl 2000 (Usa Europe) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Madden Nfl 2001 (Usa)
Madden Nfl 2002 (Usa)
Magi Nation (Usa)
Magical Drop (Usa)
Magical Tetris Challenge (Usa)
Marble Madness (Usa Europe)
Mario Golf (Usa)
Mario Tennis (Usa)
Marvin Strikes Back! (Usa) (Enfres)
Mary-Kate & Ashley - Get A Clue! (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Mary-Kate And Ashley - Crush Course (Usa Europe)
Mary-Kate And Ashley - Pocket Planner (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Mary-Kate And Ashley - Winners Circle (Usa Europe)
Mask Of Zorro The (Usa)
Mat Hoffmans Pro Bmx (Usa Europe)
Matchbox Emergency Patrol (Usa Europe)
Mega Man Xtreme (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Mega Man Xtreme 2 (Usa Europe)
Mega Memory Card (Usa) (Gb Compatible) (Unl)
Men In Black - The Series (Usa Europe) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Men In Black 2 - The Series (Usa) (Enfrde)
Metal Gear Solid (Usa)
Metal Walker (Usa) (Gb Compatible)
Mia Hamm Soccer Shootout (Usa)
Mickeys Racing Adventure (Usa Europe) (Enfrdeesit)
Mickeys Speedway Usa (Usa Europe) (Enfrdees)
Micro Machines 1 And 2 - Twin Turbo (Usa Europe)
Micro Machines V3 (Usa Europe)
Microsoft - The 6 In 1 Puzzle Collection Entertainment Pack (Usa)
Microsoft - The Best Of Entertainment Pack (Usa)
Microsoft Pinball Arcade (Usa)
Midway Presents Arcade Hits - Joust & Defender (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Midway Presents Arcade Hits - Moon Patrol & Spy Hunter (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Millennium Winter Sports (Usa)
Missile Command (Usa) (Rumble Version)
Mission - Impossible (Usa) (Enfres)
Monopoly (Usa) (Gb Compatible)
Monster Rancher Battle Card Gb (Usa) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Monster Rancher Explorer (Usa)
Monsters Inc. (Usa Europe)
Montezumas Return! (Usa) (Enes) (Gb Compatible)
Mortal Kombat 4 (Usa Europe) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Motocross Maniacs 2 (Usa)
Mr. Driller (Usa)
Mr. Nutz (Usa) (Enfres)
Ms. Pac-Man - Special Color Edition (Usa) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Mtv Sports - Pure Ride (Usa Europe)
Mtv Sports - Skateboarding Featuring Andy Macdonald (Usa Europe)
Mtv Sports - T.J. Lavins Ultimate Bmx (Usa Europe)
Mummy Returns The (Usa)
Mummy The (Usa)
Nakayoshi Pet Series 2 - Kawaii Usagi (Japan) (Gb Compatible)
Nascar 2000 (Usa Europe)
Nascar Challenge (Usa) (Rumble Version)
Nascar Heat (Usa)
Nascar Racers (Usa)
Nba 3 On 3 Featuring Kobe Bryant (Usa) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Nba Hoopz (Usa)
Nba In The Zone (Usa) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Nba In The Zone 2000 (Usa)
Nba Jam 2001 (Usa Europe)
Nba Jam 99 (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Nba Show Time - Nba On Nbc (Usa)
New Adventures Of Mary-Kate & Ashley The (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Nfl Blitz (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Nfl Blitz 2000 (Usa)
Nfl Blitz 2001 (Usa)
Nhl 2000 (Usa Europe) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Nhl Blades Of Steel (Usa)
Nhl Blades Of Steel 2000 (Usa)
Nicktoons Racing (Usa)
Nsync - Get To The Show (Usa)
Oddworld Adventures 2 (Usa) (Enfrdeesit) (Gb Compatible)
Pac-Man - Special Color Edition (Usa) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Pachinko Hisshou Guide - Data No Ousama (Japan) (Gb Compatible)
Paperboy (Usa Europe)
Perfect Dark (Usa Europe) (Enfrdeesit) (Rumble Version)
Pitfall - Beyond The Jungle (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Planet Of The Apes (Usa) (Enfrdeesitnl)
Pocket Bomberman (Usa Europe) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Pocket Bowling (Usa) (Gb Compatible)
Pocket Monster Carbuncle 2003 (Usa) (Unl)
Pokemon - Crystal Version (Usa)
Pokemon - Gold Version (Usa Europe) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Pokemon - Sapphire Version (Usa) (Unl)
Pokemon - Silver Version (Usa Europe) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Pokemon Jade Version - Special Pikachu Edition (Usa) (Pirate)
Pokemon Pinball (Usa Australia) (Rumble Version) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Pokemon Puzzle Challenge (Usa Australia)
Pokemon Trading Card Game (Usa Australia) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Polaris Snocross (Usa) (Rumble Version)
Pong - The Next Level (Usa Europe)
Pooh And Tiggers Hunny Safari (Usa)
Portal Runner (Usa)
Power Quest (Usa) (En-Usen-Gbfrdeesit) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Power Spike - Pro Beach Volleyball (Usa)
Powerpuff Girls The - Bad Mojo Jojo (Usa)
Powerpuff Girls The - Battle Him (Usa)
Powerpuff Girls The - Paint The Townsville Green (Usa)
Prince Of Persia (Usa Europe) (Enfrdeesit) (Gb Compatible)
Pro Darts (Usa)
Pro Pool (Usa) (Enfrde)
Project S-11 (Usa)
Puzzle Master (Usa) (Gb Compatible)
Puzzled (Usa)
Q-Bert (Usa)
Quest - Brians Journey (Usa) (Gb Compatible)
Quest - Fantasy Challenge (Usa) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Quest For Camelot (Usa Australia) (Enfres) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
R-Type Dx (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Racin Ratz (Usa)
Rampage - World Tour (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Rampage 2 - Universal Tour (Usa Europe)
Rampart (Usa)
Rats! (Usa) (Enes) (Gb Compatible)
Rayman (Usa) (Enfrdeesitnl)
Rayman 2 (Usa) (Enfrdeesit)
Razor Freestyle Scooter (Usa)
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing (Usa) (Rumble Version)
Rescue Heroes - Fire Frenzy (Usa)
Resident Evil Gaiden (Usa)
Return Of The Ninja (Usa)
Rhino Rumble (Usa Europe)
Road Champs - Bxs Stunt Biking (Usa Europe)
Road Rash (Usa Europe)
Roadsters (Usa) (Enfrdeesitnl) (Gb Compatible)
Robopon - Sun Version (Usa) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Rocket Power - Gettin Air (Usa Europe)
Rocky Mountain - Trophy Hunter (Usa)
Ronaldo V-Soccer (Usa) (Enfrespt) (Gb Compatible)
Roswell Conspiracies - Aliens Myths & Legends (Usa) (Enfrde)
Rox (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Rugrats - Time Travelers (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Rugrats - Totally Angelica (Usa Europe)
Rugrats In Paris - The Movie (Usa Europe)
Rugrats Movie The (Usa) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Sabans Power Rangers - Lightspeed Rescue (Usa Europe)
Sabans Power Rangers - Time Force (Usa Europe)
Sabrina - The Animated Series - Spooked! (Usa Europe)
Sabrina - The Animated Series - Zapped! (Usa Europe)
San Francisco Rush 2049 (Usa Europe)
Scooby-Doo! - Classic Creep Capers (Usa Europe)
Sesame Street - Elmos 123S (Usa) (Gb Compatible)
Sesame Street - Elmos Abcs (Usa) (Gb Compatible)
Sesame Street - The Adventures Of Elmo In Grouchland (Usa) (Gb Compatible)
Sesame Street Sports (Usa)
Sewing Machine Operation Software (Usa) (Enfres) (Gb Compatible)
Sgt. Rock - On The Frontline (Usa)
Shadowgate Classic (Usa Europe) (Enfrdeessv) (Gb Compatible)
Shamus (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Shanghai Pocket (Usa) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Shantae (Usa)
Shaun Palmers Pro Snowboarder (Usa Australia)
Shrek - Fairy Tale Freakdown (Usa Europe) (Enfrdeesit)
Simpsons The - Night Of The Living Treehouse Of Horror (Usa Europe)
Smurfs Nightmare The (Usa)
Snoopy Tennis (Usa) (Enfres)
Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs (Usa)
Soreike! Anpanman - 5-Tsu No Tou No Ousama (Japan)
Space Baby (Usa) (Unl)
Space Invaders (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Space Marauder (Usa)
Spawn (Usa)
Speedy Gonzales - Aztec Adventure (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Spider-Man (Usa Europe)
Spider-Man 2 - The Sinister Six (Usa Europe)
Spider-Man 3 - Movie Version (Usa) (Unl)
Spongebob Squarepants - Legend Of The Lost Spatula (Usa Europe)
Spy Vs Spy (Usa)
Star Wars - Yoda Stories (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Star Wars Episode I - Obi-Wans Adventures (Usa)
Star Wars Episode I - Racer (Usa Europe) (Rumble Version)
Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors Dreams (Usa)
Stuart Little - The Journey Home (Usa Europe)
Super Breakout! (Usa) (Gb Compatible)
Super Mario Bros. Deluxe (Usa Europe)
Survival Kids (Usa) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Tarzan (Usa Europe)
Tasmanian Devil - Munching Madness (Usa) (Enfrdeesit) (Gb Compatible)
Tech Deck Skateboarding (Usa Europe)
Test Drive 2001 (Usa)
Test Drive 6 (Usa) (Gb Compatible)
Test Drive Cycles (Usa)
Test Drive Le Mans (Usa) (Enfres)
Test Drive Off-Road 3 (Usa) (Rumble Version) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
The Second Edition Harry Boy - The Secret Of The Chamber Of Secrets (Usa) (Unl)
Tiger Woods Pga Tour 2000 (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
Tiny Toon Adventures - Buster Saves The Day (Usa)
Titus The Fox (Usa) (Gb Compatible)
Tnn Outdoors Fishing Champ (Usa) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Toca Touring Car Championship (Usa Europe)
Toki Tori (Usa Europe) (Enjafrdees)
Tom And Jerry - Mouse Hunt (Usa) (Enfres)
Tom And Jerry (Usa Europe)
Tom And Jerry In - Mouse Attacks! (Usa)
Tom Clancys Rainbow Six (Usa Europe) (Enfrde)
Tomb Raider - Curse Of The Sword (Usa Europe)
Tomb Raider (Usa Europe) (Enfrdeesit)
Tonka Construction Site (Usa)
Tonka Raceway (Usa)
Tonka Raceway (Usa) (Rumble Version)
Tony Hawks Pro Skater (Usa Europe)
Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2 (Usa Europe)
Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3 (Usa Europe)
Toobin (Usa)
Toonsylvania (Usa)
Top Gear Pocket (Usa) (Rumble Version)
Top Gear Pocket 2 (Usa)
Top Gun - Fire Storm (Usa Europe) (Enfrdeesitnl)
Towers - Lord Baniffs Deceit (Usa Europe)
Toy Story 2 (Usa Europe) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Toy Story Racer (Usa Europe)
Trick Boarder (Usa)
Triple Play 2001 (Usa Europe)
Trouballs (Usa)
Turok - Rage Wars (Usa Europe) (Enfrdees)
Turok 2 - Seeds Of Evil (Usa Europe) (Enfrdees) (Gb Compatible)
Turok 3 - Shadow Of Oblivion (Usa Europe) (Enfrdees)
Tweetys High-Flying Adventure (Usa)
Ultimate Fighting Championship (Usa)
Ultimate Paintball (Usa Europe)
Ultimate Surfing (Usa)
Uno (Usa) (Gb Compatible)
V-Rally - Edition 99 (Usa) (Enfres)
Vegas Games (Usa)
Vigilante 8 (Usa) (Rumble Version)
Vip (Usa) (Enfres)
Wacky Races (Usa) (Enfres)
Walt Disney World Quest - Magical Racing Tour (Usa Europe)
Wario Land Ii (Usa Europe) (Sgb Enhanced) (Gb Compatible)
Warlocked (Usa)
Warriors Of Might And Magic (Usa) (Enfrde)
Wcw Mayhem (Usa Europe)
Wdl - World Destruction League - Thunder Tanks (Usa) (Enfrde)
Wendy - Every Witch Way (Usa Europe)
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire - 2Nd Edition (Usa)
Wild Thornberrys The - Rambler (Usa)
Wing Warriors (Usa) (Enfres) (Aftermarket) (Homebrew)
Wings Of Fury (Usa) (Gb Compatible)
Winnie The Pooh - Adventures In The 100 Acre Wood (Usa)
Woody Woodpecker (Usa)
Woody Woodpecker Racing (Usa)
Worms Armageddon (Usa) (Enfres)
Wwf Attitude (Usa Europe)
Wwf Betrayal (Usa Europe)
Wwf Wrestlemania 2000 (Usa Europe) (Gb Compatible)
X-Men - Mutant Academy (Usa Europe)
X-Men - Mutant Wars (Usa Europe)
X-Men - Wolverines Rage (Usa)
Xena - Warrior Princess (Usa Europe) (Enfrdeesitnl)
Xtreme Sports (Usa)
Xtreme Wheels (Usa)
Yogi Bear - Great Balloon Blast (Usa)
Yu-Gi-Oh! - Dark Duel Stories (Usa)
Zebco Fishing! (Usa) (Rumble Version)
Zoboomafoo - Playtime In Zobooland (Usa)
Zook Z (Usa) (Unl)